Privacy Policy
The owner of this website has a Privacy Policy in force that guarantees a commitment to security for all users of this website and the processing of their personal data.
All data collected is submitted voluntarily and objectively by users, and is not integrated through automatic processes. The information collected on this website will under no circumstances be made available to third parties nor used for any purposes other than those described at the time of its introduction.
All users have the right to suspend the services subscribed to by email, which will result in the deletion of their data from our database.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact us.
We use cookies to improve performance and your user experience.
Cookies are small files that store data on the computer, TV, mobile phone or other device of the data subject using certain Services. They allow the entity that places the cookie on the device to recognize it across different websites, services, devices and/or browsing sessions.
At any time, the user can, through their internet browser, decide to be notified about the receipt of cookies, as well as block their entry into their system.
Refusal to use cookies on the website may result in the impossibility of accessing some of its areas or receiving personalized information.
You can obtain more information about cookies at the following link: